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10 May 2024

11 picks for summer fragrances

Before we dive into the new season, it's time for a little shelf makeover! We're kicking out the irrelevant perfumes and bringing forward the ones with summer vibes that suit this season best. We took a peek at what's hot on our users' shelves and came up with a list of 11 ...


19 April 2024

10 picks for spring fragrances

As real fragheads, we treat and rotate our perfume stash like part of our everyday outfit. From casual vibes to special occasions, we switch scents like we switch our clothes depending on the weather, mood, occasion, or season...


10 April 2024

The Aromoshelf App's News

We are thrilled to announce the latest update of our app, which introduces a refreshed "Impressions" page, offering a more intuitive and engaging user experience. Additionally, we've upgraded our notifications system to ensure you receive timely and relevant alerts...


13 February 2024

TOP 7 perfume brands the most presented on the user's shelves

With the growing number of users, we can already talk about the most common brands on the user's shelves...


31 January 2024

The Aromoshelf App's News

We regularly update our application, fixing bugs, expanding the catalog of brands, and developing new functionality. Unfortunately, we are not disciplined in announcing new releases and changes in the application...


14 November 2023

The Aromoshelf App's News

Today, we released an update for our application. Continuing to grow our database and following the suggestions of our users, we added nine brands. So, for this moment, we have 657 brands with 24 710 perfumes — the work in progress. We are waiting for your ...


23 August 2023

What Are Perfumes Made Of?

For sure you heard a lot about “What are perfumes made of?”. In most cases, notes provided by brands do not depict the true picture. You can find a lot of controversial information on this subject on the Internet. However, it could take time to find clear and valuable information from...


8 August 2023

How to Build Your Perfect Perfume Collection with Aromoshelf

Somebody calls it a rabbit hole, somebody - a fragrant hobby, but anyway, it's a deeply personal and subjective experience to build your fragrance collection. You constantly smell new ...